Novi Math Tutor

Math Tutoring

Tutoring with the Novi Math Tutor

With regular weekly – or, for some cases, twice-weekly – tutoring sessions, I quickly get students up to speed with their math courses.

In Home Math Tutoring

Maximize your time and enjoy the comfort and convenience of sessions held your own home. Avoid rush-hour headaches by opting for in-home tutoring.

Neutral location Math Tutoring

Coffee shops and book stores can provide an optimal setting for some math students. If my schedule does not put me close to your home, or if your home is not ideal for studying, I will work with you to find a meeting spot that suits your needs.

Online Math Tutoring

Advances in online meeting technology have enabled me to successfully tutor students across the country and even around the world. We meet over Skype and work interactively. At the end of the session I email a pdf file of all materials to the student for future reference.
